Friday, 29 January 2010


Well, actually, it doesn't really matter that much when you only work a two day week, as I have this week.
I have adapted my blogs in the light of my son's criticisms over the years, now he is complaining about my grammar/style. I am almost, but not quite, at a loss.
I could record the day's events in the style of the great novelists, in alphabetical order.
I was thinking of starting with Jane Austin.
Perhaps I'll save this for Monday.
Today has been bitterly cold - snow on the ground this side of the A45 this evening as I returned from P & A.
Thomas & I went to Brueton Park to feed the "duucks", then walked across the park to the playground, then on to MacDonalds for lunch to warm up. We did a half hour stint in John Lewis' toy department, Thomas riding around in the dept police car. He then succumbed to the buggy whilst I checked out the microwaves, as The Co-op are going to replace mine but don't stock Sharp anymore. I'm having a Panasonic for the same price, to make up for the inconvenience of carting mine around the county. I hope that it's better than the last Panasonic, which stopped working after about 5 years. Is this built in obsolescence?
G & I had a well deserved nap in front of a roaring fire & then feasted on a "Dine in for £10" from M&S; now for an early night.

Tony Blair took over the Chilcot enquiry for six hours today - did he take anyone in?
I hope not.
Good news, Andy Murray is playing Federer in the final of the Australian Open, on Sunday.
Come on Andy!
Interesting fact no 3 - there is a baby born in Britain every minute - different mothers, hospitals, etc.

Thursday, 28 January 2010

Sharp practice.

I visited the doctor this morning.
Apparently I have vertigo, but it's not severe & nowhere near as bad as a pain in the neck.
It's caused by an upset in the inner ear, I guess that it has a lot to do with three days at sea in a force eight, manic Indian driving & flights.
I do recall being unbalanced when we walked around Alexandria after four days at sea.
Of course, I improved greatly as soon as I made the doctor's appointment.
Afterwards I went to Chelmsley Wood Leisure Centre for a mammogram in the caravan on the car park. Squish squosh.
I made the mistake of using the SATNAV, which took me on a scenic tour of CW - a bit of a challenge there!
I took my own route home & found that I was only yards off Cookes Lane.
We then had a meeting at the Alms Houses with the professionals to check on progress - a great many anecdotes were aired.
The refurbished homes are delightful, I could live there, but would need to offload a lot of possessions & become needy first.
After lunch we took the ailing microwave to Spon Street in Coventry to the repair shop named by Sharp.
It was closed down & obviously had been for a long time.
The other shop offered was in Smethwick!!
Surely I don't have to tout a six month old oven around the Midlands in order to get it repaired?
We are watching Question Time. It is depressing. Nigel Lawson looks very old, but not as old as Baroness Tonge, next to him.
Apparently, we can now make up our own minds as to whether or not climate change exists.
That's tomorrow taken care of!

I must include an interesting fact for W: Tesco in Cardiff have asked shoppers to dress appropriately, not to shop in nightwear or bare feet, as this embarrasses other shoppers.
2 Feb - Groundhog Day when a marmot in Pennsylvania will be woken up to predict if winter weather has come to an end, depending on him seeming to notice his shadow!

Tuesday, 26 January 2010

Recovery Day!

I have done no housework whatsoever since Sunday, & I wouldn't mention it even if I had, following W's rather harsh words.
I will scintillate with a list of bicycles that I have owned/ own - have your Valium to hand!
Well, aj & I were bought blue Raleigh bikes, distinguishable only by their different bells, as a reward for passing our 11+ exam, sometime in the last century. I will be vague about the exact date to preserve the vagueness over the age gap between aj & me.
Dad & Percy (old retainer in the family firm) taught us to ride them by pushing us up & down the road, then Percy took us on bike rides around the lanes.
I think that I may have been a slow learner.
I had a Dawes folding bike for a birthday present when we lived in Knowle, sometime between 1974 & 78.
I loved that bike & had coveted one for a while beforehand.
I believe that wrm gave it to Liz, his girlfriend at the time, when he found her a flat locally, so that she could cycle into school.
I had a bright green racing bike, bought second hand from the paper, for a short time. I could not cope with cycling with my head down, unable to see where I was going; I think it was a bit too small as well.
It was sold to Val Woolmore, I believe.
My fourth bike was built by Maurice Wiggins at his new bike workshop in the village, in the mid 80's. I chose the bits, which included a maroon frame, large comfy saddle & a basket.
This was loaned to various people over the years, eventually being given to a colleague at school 3/4 years ago.
Presently I have a sky blue Raleigh, which I love although I don't ride it enough, partly because it hangs on a rack in the garage behind two childrens' bikes & G's bike, in close proximity to the car.
Before I had this bike G made me ride an old one of his.
It hated me, the feeling was mutual. It was never mine.
That's it - five bikes, with no overlap, plus a brief social history.
My trainer log may be less interesting.

Britain is in recovery. This coincides with my return to work so perhaps I have played my part.
I think that this may be short-lived due to the weather this quarter & Gordon, even with my efforts.

Were you aware that the Earth has slowed down by 8 thousands of a second in the last 40 years due to the mass of water in reservoirs in the Northern hemisphere?
I have finished work for this week - a lie in tomorrow & perhaps a little light shopping followed by dinner in Burton with KS leadership team 1993 - 2002.
Enjoy your day.

Sunday, 24 January 2010

Die another Day.....

Watching it on ITV 2 at the moment - only this moment as I've been asleep - JB surfing a tsunami!
G has spent the weekend lumber jacking, cutting down the dead trees at the top of the field, still a fair bit more to do, but there is a fine pile of timber ready to be cut up into logs.
We have had a fire every night since we came home & need to replenish the log pile.
I remember B & Dickie spending some time clearing the dead wood up there, many years ago, in their school holidays.
There's a colony of giant earth moving creatures up there that have excavated the whole area, digging up all sorts of masonry waste, leaving massive holes.

I took Morning Prayer at Shustoke & at OW this morning, helped G with the clearing up & bonfire building, vacuumed, washed & ironed then made raisin & oat cookies (which contain Carnation milk, which makes them chewy) whilst cooking the dinner, then I slept.
I am in desperate need of having my hair done & of visiting the doctor to sort out my ears, which have been causing me to feel dizzy when rolling over in bed, since the flight to Kerala.
This working lark gets in the way of life.
I should have Wed & Thurs this week to catch up, I may even get to M&S for coffee.
Perhaps I need a holiday!

Thursday, 21 January 2010

What price gastric bands?

I fear that I may be getting tetchy, perhaps it's this wretched cold.
Apparently,some NHS trusts are failing in their responsibility to the obese by making other patients a higher priority for surgery & these poor folk are getting even more obese whilst on the waiting list.
Doesn't self control come into the equation before expensive surgery is considered?
Have they thought of trying handcuffs, being locked in with fruit & veg only, being knocked out with an IV drip.
And another thing, the finance for Kraft to buy Cadbury's is coming from RBS.
Didn't the Government bale out RBS with taxpayers' money recently?
Are we really financing a deal that I bet most British people do not want to go ahead?
I have a letter from Kraft.
I shall use it as toilet paper.

I'm sitting by a nice fire, having had two cups of tea & a piece of banana cake, served by G, & a nap. We have some fresh olives , pasta & ciabatta for dinner - not too much effort required there. (I was going to make tempura, but M&S don't do it "boil in the bag")
Some good programmes on at 9.00pm.

Wednesday, 20 January 2010

Devil May Care.

Year 11 certainly don't, despite having a GCSE exam next week.
Imagine 30 sixteen year olds in a rather unpleasant lab, 5 with no writing equipment & at least 25 determined to do no work, with work that would last 10 minutes tops.
I do have a cold, so perhaps I was lacking umph as well as voice.
Another chance tomorrow, which may be the last chance for the science dept.
Wish me luck.
G to the Chiropractor after school & an M&S Indian meal for dinner.

Tuesday, 19 January 2010

You only live twice.

I've got a cold. I sat in front of a big fire, wrapped up well & felt sorry for myself last night. G looked after me very well, after I'd cooked the dinner & I've survived today on cold tablets & strepsils & been rather grumpy.
G took over the blog & is obviously more interesting than me as he has lots of comments.
Well, I'm back - same old stuff.

So I retired & now I'm back at the chalk face two days a week, teaching maths, which is fine.
Three lessons with a stroppy year 11 class, to try to get "C" grades by having smaller classes, four lessons with withdrawal groups from other classes with about six pupils in each - doddle.
This leaves three lessons when I would ideally support other maths classes, but so far I have covered absent science staff; the temp hasn't returned this year yet. Today I had some year 11s for three out of the first four hours of the day! Not good.

Anyway, I am appalled that Cadburys is being sold to Kraft. Surely we can maintain something British & uphold tradition. They'll probably turn Bourneville into a theme park.
Yesterday I had an expensively produced brochure from Cadburys saying "Keep Cadburys British" on every other page, along with dozens of reasons to do so.
But that was yesterday!

Monday, 18 January 2010

Controversy rules

It's about time to get stirring in case these blogs get too bland.
Lets get the banter and ribbing going again!
Doesn't pay to get down about stuff and now that DK is on the mend and hopefully farting well isn't it about time to get back to the serious stuff?

G& g went shopping after both working today in the building site that Sainsbury claim is their store at Tamworth - what a tip - in refurbishment for months. G hates shopping at the best of time so you can imagine all the MC comments!

M&S was no better with their farcical 'automated' checkout. One bag of shopping, 3 interventions required from the assistant ( a punk haired studded vision (! ) well spoken and a nice manner though) but eventually even our by now tame geek could not get it to work. Pathetic weak technology - don't inflict beta testing on ageing customers!!! Avoid.

If you thing those were controversial then think again!

Without wishing to open old wounds get a load of this :

Does this add to the previous debate - come on folks let's have it out and resolve this weighty matter before Rabbie B is set spinning in his grave again next week.

Saturday, 16 January 2010

The World is not Enough.

About to start , shall I watch it or am I really, absolutely sick of TV.
I think that I maybe, & would rather do a spot of blogging & read the paper.
The snow all disappeared overnight & today has been much warmer, despite a cold wind.
G has made kindling, chopped logs & even felled the odd dead tree in the spinney.
After a quick change & a nice cup of tea, he has gone to Leatherhead to see J & G & spend a night with Margaret.
I have cleaned & eventually, done most of the ironing, having run out of excuses.
We have a lovely coal fire & a clean, tidy room.
I may need to find people to phone before long - I have eaten chocolate ice cream with clotted cream, which I would not have done in company.
Diet another day!

Thursday, 14 January 2010

DK's done a poo.

Little DK is the most important thing on all of our minds at the moment, as he recovers after his operation & is doing well. I have the utmost admiration for W & MK & the boys for the way they have coped with all of DK's problems & maintained their busy, cheerful family life, with pancakes on Saturday mornings.
Perhaps this should make us think before we let daily life get us down when things don't go quite according to plan - I include myself here.
Get well soon, DK, & cause havoc at home.

On minor matters, Mrs Hill, our dentist, has had a busy day today - she put my back, left molar back together this morning & removed one of P's wisdom teeth this afternoon.
G played chauffeur for both of us, I played with Thomas this afternoon.
I've done three days at school this week.
Yesterday morning the roads were appalling; Arriva phoned at midday to say they would not be running any more buses because of the conditions. Evacuation procedures were followed, getting over half of the pupils collected by lunchtime.
Arriva changed their minds at 2,15pm!!!!!

We have a fun day with Thomas tomorrow, a quiet weekend lined up & I have four days at school next week, minimum.
Warmer weather is forecast - above 0 degrees will do that.

Tuesday, 12 January 2010

Thomas Huntbach we owe you.

Two days at school as per contract & tomorrow to cover for Mr Heer, the science temp who never is.
Jamie gave me a lift home after school as G had the car today for a number of meetings.
I have been to a Huntbach Committee meeting (the alms houses). There is a lot going on since the explosion before Christmas which caused the destruction of one & partial destruction of the two neighbouring almshouses & the deaths of two residents.
The architect joined us & was most interesting; he estimates that all will be completed within 34 months.
The most important item at the moment is DK, who has his operation tomorrow.
I wish that I was there to be of some use.
I look forward to good news from W & MK tomorrow.

Sunday, 10 January 2010

Happy Birthday to MK.

W's family were out when we phoned, probably because it was getting on for 11.00am here, when I had returned from church, ready for breakfast - porridge, made by G.
We went for a walk around the reservoir & back across the field from the green.
There were lots of families sledging down the reservoir banks, away from the water that is. The water is frozen over, apart from one pool which was overpopulated with coots, some ducks , geese & a pair of swans.
It is still very cold, with flurries of snow so we have hung a joint of pork from the damson trees.
There will be some other delicacies to follow as the laundry freezer has given up the ghost.
Perhaps it couldn't cope with the opposition from outside.
We have done a little Internet research - any advise as to suppliers?
Lunch calls - toast, pate & salad I think, then the ironing, which I have avoided all week because the laundry is so cold.
I have watched too much TV this week, mainly because of the nice log fire in the lounge.
Silence is golden! (especially when J Clarkson is the alternative)
I need some self improvement - any ideas?

G has some photos to post later, when he's chopped the logs & finished the tax returns!!!

Saturday, 9 January 2010

The Devil finds work......

I am rather ashamed to say that my hands have been particularly idle today.
I have plenty of housework to do, including piles of ironing, beds to strip, vacuuming, dusting, silver & brass to polish & even the glasses to wash from last night's dinner with the Wheelers.
All I have managed to do so far is a chat to aj & a quick trip to Coleshill to collect a prescription & take on emergency supplies of bread, milk, potatoes, a paper & frozen mini chocolate eclairs.
The latter was not so much a necessity, more of a post-Christmas bargain.
It is 16.29!
G has cleared snow, chopped logs, cleaned the pans from last night & lit the fire, making it even more difficult to move off the settee.
We intended to go for a walk but the individual intentions never coincided. We'll go tomorrow.
It's very cold today again with snow forecast overnight in the SE, perhaps reaching the Midlands - we'll never compete with Bicester or Ringsted for snow though.

Yesterday we had a fun day with Thomas, taking him to the park on the sledge, after dropping Jessie at school, then playing, including sticking felt Peppa Pigs on G whilst he had the odd nap, one more than he spotted before going to collect Jessie from school.
We cooked scallops followed by a nice rib of beef & yorkshire pudding for dinner with R & P, then a late night.
Watch out for the Ovaltine ad, it might bring a smile - it may be the best thing on this evening!

Thursday, 7 January 2010


Every action has a consequence.
Yesterday G & I went for a two hour walk, in the snow, in wellies, which was quite hard work. The consequence was that we both fell asleep in front of the lounge fire after lunch.
The consequence of this was that we didn't nod off on the settee last night, so we decided to stay up & watch the end of "The Fugitive"as we realised that neither of us knew how it ended, presumably because of our sleep patterns - it was that other doctor, who had faked research results in order to get a new drug on the market.
We went to bed at 1.00am, anticipating a lie in followed by a leisurely breakfast & another walk.
The phone went at 7.25am, asking me to go in to KS to teach science for the day.
I got up whilst G made me a flask of tea ( a requirement for a supply teacher), de-iced & warmed the car. Hollylands is a skating rink - v slow & pray.
The temperature was -12 degrees.
I cannot recall anything below -7 in the past.
The school had opened yesterday, with 250 out of 650 pupils attending, attendance was quite good today.
Tomorrow we are looking after Thomas & I have a physio appointment at lunchtime for my shoulder. Actually this is 90% better thanks to G's routine so I don't really need to go.
If KS phone, I shall go to work - holidays to pay for, so I need to be reliable/ worth calling.
The Wheelers are coming to dinner - a nice rib of beef in the fridge.

I have tried to contact the Oxford branch of the family as that area has had some of the lowest temperatures. B made a sledge yesterday, I read on W's blog. I hope that they have enjoyed the snow today. In fact, I hope that you all have.

Wednesday, 6 January 2010

Contrast in 10 days!

g trudging across the footpath in c8" of snow this morning. We took a 2hour walk around the reservior and lanes before lunch.
Moathouse lane

g in Hollylands

The other way.

Only 10 days ago on the Kerala backwaters. And about 30 degrees warmer!!

Misc. holiday photos for your enjoyment!

View from the rooftop of the Godwin in Mumbai. Red dome in distance is The Taj hotel about two blocks away as is Gateway to India.

Dhobi ghats in Mumbai - where much of the city's laundry gets done.

Sign in a Mumbai clothes shop. Many a true word!

Did you feel that bump up the back? A surprisingly rare sight.

A booby flying alongside the Discovery - diving for flying fish.

G climbing to the upper deck after a dip! :-)

Sunset over the Arabian Gulf.

g at the blowholes near Salalah, Oman

Some sights at the Dead Sea. Black is usually flattering - but in this case...............

The thighs have it! (Older bods are best covered).

If there was ever any doubt.

Tuesday, 5 January 2010

Snow, snow, quick,quick, snow.

The stunning new Mosque in Musquat, Oman. A modern Taj Mahal for workmanship. Main Hall holds 6000. This Chandalier weighs 8 tonnes is made of Zwarkosvski (?) crystal and has 1200 bulbs.
G&g with Annie at her lovely Homestay in Kerala

G cutting the cake at breakfast on Christmas morning, accompanied by 'Happy Christmas to you'. Cake was followed by 3 different curries and rice and coconut pancake/bread - all home made as were the accompanying pickles. ( We had Chicken Biryani for lunch).

The yard this evening - 2.5inches and still snowing. We have plenty logs in and a fire going in the lounge.

Shustoke reservior yesterday evening. Beautiful sunsets are a real plus from this weather.

Monday, 4 January 2010


G, in model mode.


Sharm - full of saggy Russian dames.

Dead sea mud.

Temple at Dendera.
Temple at Abedos
A pilot - we liked pilots.

These are not in chronological order.

Not quite sure how you spell that title, but it is very cold here, -6 degrees as I drove to school this morning. I know that W did a bike race in -8 degrees at the weekend, presumably, in Lycra, but he is an honorary Dane.

It was a training day, so I have done little apart from get my timetable & topics to teach. I have a year 11 class of around 20 but years 8, 9 & 10 of fewer than 10.

Sounds great. I have already been signed up for two days supply for science later in the month.

I'm back in work mode as I came home via JS, to buy petrol, had a cup of tea & fell asleep.

We are watching Celebrity Mastermind. John Thompson (actor) has an encyclopedic knowledge of James Bond - something for B to aim for.

Peter went home this afternoon so we are on our own this evening - G has made soup from the chicken carcasses that B & E forgot to take home with them, we shall then eat up some of the remnants of meals that we have known this week.

Keep warm & watch out for the slippery bits - I'll post some more holiday photos to remember what sun looks like.

Sunday, 3 January 2010

Happy 3 Jan.

We have now been home for exactly a week & have been busy catching up with the family.
We have had some big family meals, eaten dozens of scones & fairy cakes & delighted in the grandchildren playing together. KP talked Thomas into submission eventually, playing with their Indian dolls (Russian, but with sari & tiger stripes) Jessie & T played a very technical game, Oscar & the twins explored.

Today the Talbots came to lunch, joined by J, G & the children later. We went for a walk around the reservoir after lunch, while Peter saw J & G etc off; it was dark before we got home.
We are presently having a nice drink in front of the fire, watching "Housewife 49" with V Wood.

We wish you all a happy, healthy & prosperous new year, I'm not sure of the order there, but I think that that may be right.
I was going to note some highlights of the last year but mostly they are "Granny moments" - little DK on his feet, the odd funny comment, cuddle, message on the phone, etc.
G & I have visited some interesting places, enjoyed some good meals & time with friends & family.
Aren't we lucky!