Sunday, 6 April 2008

A good evening's sleep.

We awoke to bright sunshine & about 2 inches of beautiful, powdery snow this morning.

We got up early to make the most of the snow before it disappeared.

After breakfast G fashioned wellies/overshoes for Tim from thick polythene & tape & we did a little sledging before utilising much of the snow on the top lawn to make "Dennis" - complete with carrot nose & ginger nut* eyes, mouth & eyebrows, assisted by Ben & Steve.

Tim rode the tractor around,collecting snow in the bucket, but found the snow too cold to handle. (I did have the advantage of my best rubber gloves!)

By lunchtime most of the snow had gone. We enjoyed a leisurely lunch of roast beef followed by spotted dick & coffee with a celebratory chocolate cake; KP & Thomas joined in for the first time.
(small portions, low fat suet & having a no-diet day)

Between lunch & tea we walked to the sports field where all of the children enjoyed half an hour on the play equipment.

We have since cleared up & I have had a snooze on the settee, waking in time to see the final episode of "He killed coppers".

Time for bed, said Zebedee!

*The ginger nuts that I made yesterday that Ben decreed "not fit for purpose".The birds may enjoy them.

A prize for the first person to identify the origin of each picture And Dennis's surname.


Anonymous said...

Answers anonymous in case the prize is ginger biscuits:
The Bungalow next door.
Coleshill Church.
A garden. Yours ?
Dennis Healey ? (shouldn't those eyebrows be the size of small conifers ?)
A valve, not motorised.

William said...

Dennis Nordon onviously (in the pre-clipboard era)

Anonymous said...

Anon got it all right, including the prize - I collected them from Dennis this morning, untouched.
trees in the field in picture 3.
Google said that it was motorized.
Please explain the difference.