Monday, 28 April 2008

The gas man cameth.

A great day on Sunday, up early for a run then church & home to make a chocolate cake for Tim & Jessie to decorate.
Ben arrived with KP & Tim for brunch & Tim's version of "Question Time". We managed to find two loads for the washing machine, which Tim helped to hang on the line.
Tim & KP played on the tractor & "helped" to clear leaves & molehills whilst Grandad tidied the yard, all in bright sunshine.
Paula, Jessie & Thomas arrived later & joined the fun.
We had a very late lunch followed by chocolate cake, by then disguised as a "smartie mountain" - Ben was generous with the smarties.
In the evening, after a quick tidy up, we watched "Malta Story" in b&w, accompanied by large gin & tonics & vegetable crisps.

Today the gas man was booked in for a third attempt to stop the boiler coming on at random times, causing overheating at night.
I planned a day at home to accommodate this, starting with the ironing, to get it out of his way, as the boiler is in the laundry.
Actually,a charming young man arrived shortly after 8.30am, replaced valves & switches & left.
I have the oven insides in the dishwasher, sheets, valances,etc on the line, I have oiled all of the lounge panelling, cleaned all of the mirrors, windows & glass doors, had elevenses & now have to vacuum & put everything back together.
Cleaning the ovens looks very unattractive at the moment, perhaps that's why I had a sudden great desire to blog.
Any offers?


Anonymous said...

Not again, I am speechless.

Anonymous said...

It may be third time lucky - he did replace the valve & the switch & seemed to know what he was talking about.
Of course, I didn't.

William said...

You can come and clean our oven if you like.
cleaning mirrors and oiling wookwork are the actions of someone who is bored. What about pulling out dandelions?

Anonymous said...

I was not bored.
I knew that I had to stay in for the gas man & so planned to catch up on jobs.
It is theraputic to spend time sorting out the nest & putting everything to rights.
The panelling looks great.
I wil gladly clean your oven, just bring it over with you!

Anonymous said...

Has wookwork anything to do with wookies? Do wookies have holes?
Mysteries of life!

Anonymous said...

All animals have at least one hole, in order to imput food, if only one, the waste comes out the same way. eg coelenterates (jellyfish)
Having a minimum of two alleviates the need to feed & poo through the same orifice.
I think that wookies will have 8 or 9, depending on gender.