Wednesday, 23 April 2008

April 23, a double celebration.

A phone call at 7.00am from Sandra at Granville school saved me further deliberations as to whether to dress before or after breakfast, in preparation for a leisurely visit to the gym.
As it was, I showered & dressed very quickly & hurried to Swadlincote, without breakfast, for a day's supply teaching.
I had a most enjoyable day, despite getting very little work out of two junkies in year 11 this afternoon.
The weather was glorious from mid-morning onwards, a fact that I am sure played a significant part in 50+ students going on strike at the end of morning break & refusing to return to lessons.
Their reason - the school will not be closing tomorrow - the day of the NUT strike, which is causing the closure of one in three schools, including some local ones.
This classes as a logical decision in Swad.
BS's reaction was equally logical - fixed term exclusion for them all.

I think that this strike is unwarranted, disruptive, organised by militants & supported by the mindless masses of the NUT. It will alienate parents & sets a poor example to students.
Apart from this, I have no strong feelings about the NUT action.

I went to the gym in Solihull after school, but must admit that I fell asleep, briefly, in the car,in the gym car park, whilst listening to the end of a radio programme, before I went in.
I put this down to lack of food - no breakfast & two bananas (small) for lunch.
G came home & mowed the lawns whilst I drank pints of tea & prepared a meal.

Watching "The Apprentice" was the highlight of the evening - most of this batch are talentless, charmless two faced bitches who slag each other off mercilessly.
I cannot believe that they are the cream of the young talent in the UK; I wouldn't want to work with any of them - good TV though.
Come to think of it, I wouldn't want to work with Alan Sugar either.
Perhaps it's a good job I'm out of the workplace.

Not NUT, but he looks like a teacher.
A prize for the most innovative suggestion for "PCS"

Your'e fried!


Anonymous said...

This over fifty went on strike as well. As it takes a trio to make a meeting seditious, your striking anorak was an official politically correct solo.

Anonymous said...

Please Call Stupid?
Pupils Call Slaphead?
Public Consider Sinister?
Possible Civil Servant?
Partner Called Stuart?

Do I win?

Anonymous said...

Principal Clerk of Session.(Scotland).
Prizes Constantly Suggested, but
never materialize.

Anonymous said...

pillocs and c---- (plural of a naughty female four letter word) society. He looks like one.

Anonymous said...

PCO - Prizes Constantly Offered - one of my readers is holidaying in the Seychelles at this very moment - no cheapskates here!
Why do the losers always think that there was a catch?

Thank you for all of your entries -anon 2 wins an enormous cadbury's chocolate flake - transport provided!