Saturday, 7 January 2012

No more leaves...

in theory anyway.
We spent this morning clearing up the rest of the leaves in the field, to the sound of chain saws, as two local families sawed all of the branches off the tree that was blown down yesterday, & carted loads of timber away.
I hope that Dugdale isn't too upset to have lost most of his tree.
I only hope that all remaining leaves blow themselves away.
The garden looks really tidy & G has replaced/sorted the outside lights so we have the security sorted.
Shower & lunch & the papers did the rest of daylight hours.

We've watched "Bergen", the new Danish political intrigue, tonight.
Good, but the subtitles are hard work. Even spending time in DK  doesn't help with making any sense of the language.

Margaret & Phil are coming to lunch tomorrow, then Peter on Monday for a few days.


Anonymous said...

Borgen ? Apparently if you managed to watch it for half an hour you would be hooked, if not, asleep.

William said...

Never heard of it, but then I don't watch that much Danish TV (probably more than most of your readers though)

Anonymous said...

Telegraph says it was "not quite as good as "The Killing"" (?)
Didn't watch it.
"A lot less knitwear".

I'm sure it will get back to DK when it's been tried out in UK.