Wednesday, 31 August 2011

Tuesday, very late, hence Wed.

T & KP are sleeping over.
They sleep very well.
Jessie & Thomas came for the day, along with Fred, Nigel's son.
They have had a whale of a day, the fleet of wheeled vehicles flying around the yard, helping Nigel in the shed, helping G build a bonfire, cooking & making shops from shoe boxes.
All  have eaten well, in fact, the cupboards are almost bare.
It is ridiculously late as I've been finding a priest to do a baptism on Sunday, sorting the evening harvest service & checking the planning application on Shustoke House Barns, at the bottom of Castle Lane,to a wedding/occasions venue, which is causing a lot of concern.
There are many photos in the plans, they are very attractive, grade 11 listed & redundant.
Car parking for 50 cars, events licenced until 2.00am.
Is that really going to cause a big problem?
Equivalent of 9 jobs created - I could become an MC!!
Should we be worried?

West Midlands Safari Park tomorrow/later, using the free return given when we took J & TH some weeks ago.
I thought it was great, Jurassic Park, on a smaller, less scary scale.
Earplugs may be needed (passengers, not beasties) 


William said...

I hope you're having fun with the kids.

If any of them need a haircut, I can help...

Anonymous said...

I'll "bare" that in mind!