Sunday, 28 August 2011

Church closed.

It was open until about 5.00pm & we had a steady flow of people through all day, who ate all of the cakes & scones that I had made, enjoyed the church & made donations of £135.
We made a few new contacts, have volunteers to man the next open day, decorate the church for the harvest & decorate christmas trees for the Christingle service in December.
A pretty good day all round.
G has finished his shed, ready to move in next week, & planted the fruit bushes we bought in Bicester last week.
We have eaten pan fried salmon, followed by pancakes, which caused both aj & G to nap intermittently all evening.
We have just watched a good play with Bill Nighy, time for bed, said Zebedee! 


William said...

Lucky old Bill!

William said...

Sorry, I misread it, I thought it said you'd had a good play with him before bed

Anonymous said...

No such luck.
The critic in the DT said that Bill Nighy made her want to be old.
He is brilliant, & has a good head of hair.