Wednesday, 10 August 2011


What on earth is happening?
Kids rioting in the streets of Birmingham, amongst other places, fire-bombing buildings, firing cars, smashing shop windows & looting.
The scenes are horrendous - people have lost their homes & businesses, others forced to leave their homes, in fear.
This is just opportunist crime.
So, what triggers it?
Surely decent people don't behave like this, so what is our society really like?

Peter is staying with us, a quiet few days, with some good weather.
I played tennis yesterday & did loads of washing today, otherwise, lazy.
I have delivered the first lot of tickets for Blyth Hall & done more invitations.
I wish that people who have said they are coming, would reply so we know how many tickets are sold.
G is getting on well with the shed, mining scrap metal in there.
Rain forecast for tonight, so I haven't watered the plants.
I trust that the forecast is right.  


Anonymous said...

I think York is safe we don't have enough black people to make a riot and only one JD sports. Racist, well look at the pictures.
If poverty and lack of opportunity were the real reason, pensioners would have been rioting for years, clearing the shelves at Asda and Tesco.
Did you hear the one about the looting family who went and filled their car from Lidl, now that is desperation.

Anonymous said...

Asda be a tall story.
Perhaps the York pensioners are just revolting.

Anonymous said...

1. conforming to the recognized standard of propriety, good taste, modesty,
2. respectable; worthy
3. adequate; fair; passable
4.kind; obliging; generous
5. suitable; appropriate
1. a belief or doctrine that inherent differences among the various human races  determine cultural or individual achievement, usually involving the idea that one's own race  is superior and has the right to rule others.
2. a policy, system of government, etc., based upon or fostering such a doctrine; discrimination.
3. hatred or intolerance of another race  or other races.

Anonymous said...

As opposed to dissent, a descent from the decent.

Anonymous said...

Do we become less tolerant as we age?
Strange really, nearer thy god to thee, one would expect the reverse.
It is good to be angered by such behaviour, then direct the anger to make things better.

William said...

According to everything I have read, race has not been an issue in these riots, those involved have been black, White and each shade between.