The best comment on the economy that we have yet heard came today on Radio 4 - a Scottish economist lamenting over the Government's lowering of interest rates, to put money in the pockets of those who had over-borrowed, as they would not spend anyway because of fear for the future.
Low interest rates hit the older people who live on the income from their savings. If given a higher income they will spend as they have no reason to save.
I hope that G Brown/ A Darling heard this &/or read my blog.
I think that the latter is unlikely as neither has yet commented!
Anyway, to prove this theory correct, today G & I went shopping.
Lee Longlands had sent us an invitation to their "£5 million clearance" preview. This, combined with Debenhams' (G's latest tailor) 25% discount day, nothing on the calendar & Wednesday spent at home, spurred us on.
G updated his wardrobe & was given a box of chocolates (eaten) & a voucher for a cup of coffee.
I have a new T-shirt for my holiday.
Our boats remained unfloated in both Lee Longlands & the Jewellery Quarter.
Will we get a letter/ e-mail thanking us for this small effort to help put the economy back on it's feet?
We arrived home to find that the mole had taken advantage of our absence to excavate a further two mole hills. For the cost of a little energy & a mere litre or so of fuel, G cleared the soil & produced a magnificent pyrotechnics display on the top lawn.
This will either have sent moley scuttling back to the neighbours in fear or to fetch his mates to enjoy the warmth & entertainment.
Watch this space!
We have just enjoyed fish & chips with tartar sauce & half a bottle of Sauvignon Blanc.
The wrappers gave a glorious blaze as a finale to the meal whilst we had coffee & ate G's chocolates.
Tomorrow is a Thomas day followed by babysitting for B & E with a new TV - usually I read because the TV fights back.
Many thanks for your sound political advice- I will raise interest rates at once.
Gordon Brown
Mrs Noble,
Thanks for your help.
Kindest regards,
Al Darling
Wow you have an influential audience
I shall now advise B Obama.
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