Tuesday, 24 March 2009

Happy Birthday B C Eng Mi Mech E.

Just known as Timothy 33 years ago, of course.
After a few days we were aware that he didn't look at all like a Timothy & changed it to B.
The other bits are later additions, which no doubt, my technical acumen had some imput (discuss).
Anyway, Have a fantastic day.

We went to The Talbots for dinner last night, hence no blogging time.
Tennis, gym, boxes of books to the Charity Shop & a little housework.
We had the loft extra-insulated, with the help of a government grant (thank you Gordon) & G spun.

Moley is back - side lawn for a change.

Thanks for the lovely Flowers, the house smells wonderful.
I am planning my vegetable plot, thanks to a weighty tome from B,E,T&KP.


Anonymous said...

So what does a Timothy look like ?
A adorable blond blue-eyed child who kmows everything. So where was the ptroblem ?

Anonymous said...

He had dark hair.