Tuesday, 28 April 2015

Wintertons in Lichfield.

A dealers, day today with a trip to Wintertons Auction Room in Lichfield for the first day of the sale.
The main city car park is all closed for resurfacing, so parking was difficult.
Why couldn't it be done half at a time?
Anyway, well worth the effort - very different from Hansons - three big scruffy room with stuff piled high and tables full of boxes of glass, china, etc.
Some bids left and Tim Wanacott was there as Bargain Hunt is being recorded there tomorrow.
Hansons seem to put photos of the BH lots on the cover of the catalogue, Wintertons don't have photos.

We went on to Etwall to The Buckle and Hawk(?) for a very good, very cheap lunch - 241 on main courses - then on to Hansons to collect some
It's bought last week, then home.
Some fascinating bits bought, to be researched later, even a rather cheeky glass frog who had obviously not seen water for a while.
Home for tea and a rock cake, made early this morning, early, whilst making a B'day cake for a friend.
Sermon to write for Sunday - Rogation Day, and a service to put together for after the Rogation Walk around the parishes on Monday.
I'm serving Ploughmans' Lunches at Shustoke Church - cheese, butter and pickle bought.
Bread to be ordered and tomatoes sourced.
Should I add anything else?
Catering for 100, no chance of a walk then.
Praying for sunshine.

Women's Hour had an election special - the best interviews yet due to the lack of aggression by the interviewer.
Put a woman on the job!

*Rogation means "asking" or "beseeching" - asking for a blessing on the crops.

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