Tuesday, 21 April 2015

A nice little Rioja........

Down my dressing gown - White and just laundered.
The moral is....don't nod off with a glass of wine in your hand.
I didn't really even want a glass of wine, but it was open and I thought it may complement my omelet and salad.
My dressing gown is drying on a radiator and the settee well scrubbed.

A glorious sunny day, spent mainly in the garden - four loads of leaves and detritus from the side border taken up the field and four wheelbarrow loads of lovely soil excavated by the Badgers, brought down and put on the border.
Another three barrow loads off the front borders, under the windows, then in to collapse in a hot bath, before dinner.

I ironed early this morning, then vacuumed through downstairs, in readiness for a few days off - Hansons viewing day at Etwall tomorrow followed by a sortie to Llandridod Wells for a five course taster menu.
Talking of food, I have been very good for three days, Paleo, I think, and have lost 2lb of unsightly fat from somewhere.
Wherever it was, I didn't want it.

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