Saturday, 22 November 2014

Shwapped out!

After weeks of planning - borrowing clothes rails and  glasses, buying wine and mince pies, advertising to arouse enough interest to have a room full of vendors and advertising.
In all we had 18 rails and tables and the hall was full of good clothes and accessories for sale.
A good time was had by all but we could have done with a lot more buyers.
Those that did come went away loaded down with bags full of clothes and stall holders all bought from each other.
I bought a new Jaeger dress for £10.
That's Christmas day sorted!

the chickens have taken a new stage in evolution today, roosting six foot and higher in the cherry tree by the conservatory.
This is either to watch us - they all sit on the well and watch me when I'm ironing in the laundry, or to have a better view of life in general.
Friends here for lunch - toad in the hole. I wish I'd been told the two of them were vegetarians!
Beans in the hole isn't quite the same.
How is it that W and B can both make better Yorkshire pudding than their mother?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

More energy!