Having had a day out yesterday, I determined to catch up on some of the outside jobs today, whilst the weather was so good - mild, eleven degrees and even some sunshine.
As usual, I was waylaid - cleaned the scullery entirely, sorted e mails, posted the meter readings for Scottish Power and made some sense of the heap of letters from Santander.
After a cappuccino to celebrate, I emptied the stable of children's bikes, cleaned them all, cleaned the stable in the aftermath of the 2014 swallows and put them all back.
I cleaned the toy jeep, which the chickens have taken a liking to and parked that up along with the bikes - they will have to find another roost!
A friend came to help chop some logs and start a log pile to dry out for Christmas and I washed and collapsed the tent that has been erected for about two years now.
Wild bird feeders filled , two with nuts, two with fat balls - they cost about five times as much to feed as the chickens, but are very rewarding.
The pleasure of making order out of chaos!
The chickens kept me company throughout - no egg today, but two in the last few days so things are looking up.
Steak and jacket potato for dinner followed by "Strictly" and a nap on the settee.
A pretty good day all in all.
Time for bed.
As usual, I was waylaid - cleaned the scullery entirely, sorted e mails, posted the meter readings for Scottish Power and made some sense of the heap of letters from Santander.
After a cappuccino to celebrate, I emptied the stable of children's bikes, cleaned them all, cleaned the stable in the aftermath of the 2014 swallows and put them all back.
I cleaned the toy jeep, which the chickens have taken a liking to and parked that up along with the bikes - they will have to find another roost!
A friend came to help chop some logs and start a log pile to dry out for Christmas and I washed and collapsed the tent that has been erected for about two years now.
Wild bird feeders filled , two with nuts, two with fat balls - they cost about five times as much to feed as the chickens, but are very rewarding.
The pleasure of making order out of chaos!
The chickens kept me company throughout - no egg today, but two in the last few days so things are looking up.
Steak and jacket potato for dinner followed by "Strictly" and a nap on the settee.
A pretty good day all in all.
Time for bed.
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