Saturday, 1 November 2014

All Hallows.

or "All Saints Day", as it's better known.
I survived Halloween without a single visit from "Trick or Treaters" - the benefits of being out in the sticks!
I spent the first couple of hours this morning rewriting the sermon that I wrote yesterday, before getting up and going to Solihull, shopping - the first free day for a long time.
I did a little of the shopping for Wednesday's Charles Hanson Valuation Lunch" - cooking for
nearly 70.
I have to make desserts that don't need the oven as the ovens will be full of cottage pies - gateaux (cakes) and trifles seem like a good idea at the moment.
Any other ideas?
K has organised the crockery, glasses, wine and potatoes; the new butcher in Coleshill is supplying the meat at cost, a few more things to get on Monday, then cooking all day on Tuesday.

Tables are going well for the "Clothes Swhap" on 21 Nov - just need the shoppers to come to make it a success.

I'm watching "Strictly", which is excellent, planning to clean the cutlery ready for Wed.
I realise that this may not happen as I'd rather have a soak in the bath and paint my toe nails.
Perhaps I'll do both!

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