Saturday, 8 November 2014

Lunch with Charles!!

Can it really be Saturday morning - still Friday night as far as I'm concerned!
I've spent today getting the Christmas Tree Festival at Shustoke Church, off the ground - 30 trees to sell/find sponsors for, to be decorated  to turn the church into a glittering wonderland for the Christmas season.
Four sold immediately.

On Tuesday I collected 17lb of mince from Farmers butchers - a new butchers in Coleshill - excellent local meat (at cost), then spent the rest of the day making cottage pies for seventy, cooked, ready to be reheated for lunch on Wed.
I made three different cakes and three trifles, sorted 70 sets of cutlery and packed the other necessities for the meal and aftermath.
I'd like to say that I slept well after that, but I was rather stressed about the  Charles Hanson Valuation lunch on Wed and the logistics of having all of the food hot at the right time.

On Wed I was up early to complete the preparations, decorate the cakes and whip the cream for the trifles, then round to the Parish hall to check that the men were getting the tables in the right places and lay them with cloths, cutlery and napkins.
The meal went very well and Charles was thoroughly charming and entertaining for a couple of hours.
He didn't manage to value everything there - he did do my teddy bear, Fred (a little worn) - and will come back on 16 Dec to value.
He phoned on Thurs morning to say thank you and check that we were satisfied.
I'll start a fan club!
All that fun and we made £620 for the church.
The two K's did sterling work in the kitchen - K1 keeping the food coming as cooked and joined by K2 to do all of the washing up and heavy work.
Time for bed.

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