Sunday, 4 May 2014


For the second evening in a row, I have fallen asleep shortly after eating dinner then woken up in time to got to bed - the cost of having a busy day following a poor night's sleep.
Yesterday was the Table Sale in the Parish Hall, a success due partly to the brilliant weather so lots of people about.
We had two stalls of bric a brac - one for the church and one for me, each involving a boot full of stuff - hard work loading all of the boxes into the car, then unloading and setting up the table.
We had to put the tables away and I swept the Hall before coming home to put the unsold goods back in the factory and clean the car.
At some point during the night I realised that the hose reel had gone, I checked at 5.30am and it has gone. Where?

Today was church at Sh, on to NW to take the service home for brunch then out to mow the lawns.
The big mower still wouldn't start so I eventually mowed outside, both sides of the road, with the pathetic little mower - 5 barrow loads of grass and 3 hours later........
It looks good and will be a little less to block the big mower when it's eventually sorted out.

Tomorrow I'm serving ploughmans' lunches in church - the annual parish walk around the churches, each serving food, usually well supported.
I have to collect the bread and salad from Morrisons, then sort out the church flowers before setting up the lunches.
I hope that the sun shines for everyone's  day off.

1 comment:

William said...

Collecting grass cuttings is a fools errand IMHO