Friday, 9 May 2014

What price care!

Home again after a sleepover in Bicester followed by a sleepover in Cambridgeshire - both excellent.
I collected T and PK from school on Wed, we went to Pret for tea, for a change, then did a little light shopping in Tesco with B, then back for a scrummy Chinese dinner and bed.
Yesterday I did the school run, then dried my hair and put on make-up (beat that for poor planning) and went to have coffee with a friend.
I had intended to buy geraniums at Bicester Garden Centre - the best garden centre in the world - but ran out of time so had to go straight to Cambridge.
The journey took longer than anticipated as the SATNAV couldn't find the road after Buckingham and just loitered in fields, then I hit the Cambridge rush.

I was visiting cousin JR, aged 90 and with dementia, to check up on the care he is receiving from his very expensive care providers.
This morning we had an Annual Review  meeting with the agency boss - she could score full marks for excuses, little for providing and being accountable for her staff.
The carer I found there a couple of weeks ago I would not have left in charge of my dog, the house filthy, food inadequate and little care being given - more later.
Things have been improved but still lacking on too many fronts.

The lawns have not been mown for nearly 3 weeks as the mower isn't working - a medium-sized member of the large cat family could well be stalking unnoticed on any of the lawns.
The next mow is going to be very hard work - if not tomorrow, I shall run out of time.

I shall eat a big salad for dinner to make up for the rubbish I have eaten yesterday and today.


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