Saturday, 10 May 2014

Norway, nil point!

I'm one of the 170 million watching the Eurovision Song Contest from Copenhagen - a Montenegrin man presently singing whilst a woman skates around the perimeter of the stage.
"Because it's Eurovision" as Graham Norton keeps saying, to explain the man in the hamster wheel, the round piano........
It really is bad.
Norway's entrant isn't even a singer but the brother of the composer - I suppose that the population is very small anyway and it was easy to get together to practise during the bad weather.

I've prepared tomorrow's services and delivered the Christian Aid envelopes - don't know when I'll have time to collect them!
I haven't mown the lawns as the mower hasn't been touched  - they are so long now that it will be a nightmare to cut them - a shame as they were looking really good.
I really don't know what to do as I've only used it once since it had an expensive service, apart from buy a new mower and start again.
I'm not sure that JA is an engine man.

The woman on the BBC Breakfast programme was wearing the same "Warehouse" dress - big rectangles of different colours - that I wore for the 1970's night on the P&O cruise in Feb.
Beat that!


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