Tuesday, 6 May 2014

One man went to mow....

the lucky one, whose mower was functioning.
Those with malfunctioning mowers found other harmless past-times - I did a little ironing then baked - chocolate cake and oat cookies, delicious sticky ones made with condensed milk, morello cherries, cranberries and raisins.
Then on to the agenda items - to Coleshill to tax the car then on to Solihull to collect J from school - Th at football practice.
As I was unable to get into the house, J and I went out to tea in Solihull - Pret, of course - some shopping then back to cook tea for Th.
A quick stop at JS and a car wash (how lazy is that?), then on to a friends - didn't make bell-ringing after a Tia Maria!

Water meter fitted a few weeks ago has put water costs down from £60 to £22 per month - don't want to blow it with car washing extravaganza!

I saw the first swallow in the garden today - stable door has been open to give access to their nest site - summer's come.


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