Monday, 5 May 2014

How many ploughmen?

Over eighty!
Excellent weather for walking, hence a really good turnout for the Parish Rogation Walk.
LM served 53 bacon rolls early on, by noon walkers had reached Shustoke and over 80 ate lunches by 2.00pm - self service ploughmans'.
Every scrap of food was eaten.
I vacuumed up the crumbs then locked up and went down to NW for the closing service at 4.15pm - the first sit down of the day - I treated myself to a cup of tea and some wonderful coffee cake afterwards.

This evening I've found a local chap to come and make good the plaster in the kitchen on Wed., before the decorator, Peter the Painter, alias PP, starts next Monday.
As this is imminent and I have a busy week, I then set to stripping the bookcase and dresser and moving them away from the walls ready for plastering, then emptying the room, mainly into the conservatory, which is now full.

JA came to check out the mower - not the battery, so it will have to go away and I'm still not able to mow the lawns.
Bother - they really are growing fast.

I've recorded the Gary Barlow/James Cordon programme, which looked great, to watch another evening - ready for bed!

J to collect from school tomorrow after some jobs in Solihull - will Knowle Auction Rooms sell an oil painting for me?
I'll give it a try.

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