Thursday 30 May 2013

Pom, pom, pom......

Busy making pom poms with J & Th, it being yet another wet & windy day, just enough respite for a spin around the garden on the jeep. Actually, it is brightening up & a dry evening is promised. Hurrah! I arrived home this morning, a day later than anticipated as the wet weather yesterday meant that tennis would be off, so I went to Lincoln for the day, as B was there for a meeting. I had a great day, despite the day-long deluge & fear of being swept down Steep Hill, from the Cathedral in a tidal wave! I did the shops, coffee, twice, & went to communion at lunchtime, whilst in the cathedral, before meeting B again at 4.30pm By then the rain had just abated, so we had a good drive home, the a healthy M&S dinner & snooze on the settee whilst watching TV. Being entertained by J & Th today, trying to keep G awake - a full time job! We shall deliver J & Th home later - after boiled eggs & soldiers,(chickens have obliged) then go to see "Gatsby" - G off to Thailand & all destinations East from Sunday, so the last outing for a while. Girly party tomorrow evening, so a little light housework & some baking on the cards.

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