Wednesday, 8 May 2013


Although warm, today was windy with drizzle early o.n, hence no tennis, which was a big disappointment. I settled for taking a large bag of clothes, sorted out yesterday, to the charity shop, then on to Knowle & solihull. I went to Curtis's bakers for a cup of coffee & cake, to boost the blood sugar, before attacking the shops. I have a great new dress, white linen trousers & a silk top, all size 12, which look really good. Just need somewhere to go to to wear them now. I bought some bedding plants on the way home, but by the time I arrived the weather had broken - downpours for the next hour, on & off, so gardening on the agenda tomorrow. Should I volunteer to do a couple of hours at the shop? Yes. It will do me good. No word from G, despite a text, so obviously enjoying himself. Stirling is a delightful place, perhaps I'll get there next year.

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