Monday, 14 November 2011


Thar's where I am - with aj.
We had an energetic day, walking down to Acomb for a potter this morning, then catching the bus into York, for a further potter.
We had tea & a bun in M&S & did a little shopping, with some success.
It was dark by 4.00pm today, before we got home for a nice cup of tea & a piece of cake (the way to aj's heart is a Victoria sponge, with jam & cream)
We are about to have dinner - aj's slaving in the kitchen!

I drove here yesterday after church.
G has texted me once in the last two weeks, yesterday he texted twice - once as we started the two minutes silence & again as it came to an end.
When I apologised afterwards I was told that people thought it was hearing aids bleeping.
Much more likely to be found in Sh church than a mobile phone, I suppose.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

One potter is never enough, you've always got room for a second one.