Tuesday, 23 November 2010

Back at the chalk face.

School phoned yesterday to cancel me for tomorrow - a little unprofessional as I had been booked weeks ago, to cover for Souter, on union business.
This was offset by a call at 7.30am today, asking me to go in today, to cover for Souter.
I had a good day, but talking to the kids, it seems that Souter had been off all week, the temp from last year had been booked to cover for him, hence my cancellation for Wednesday.
Today, this guy was off, so they needed me.
One advantage was that I could visit Ventura Park, on the way home, for an M&S fix, including a cup of coffee..

G had a Thomas day.
We went to the Alms Houses trustee meeting tonight, came home & had an M&S Indian meal.
The lazy day yesterday seems to have paid dividends as I haven't fallen asleep yet.
Lots to do tomorrow; part of me hopes that school has to get me in again. I could say "No".

Cold tomorrow.
Winter draws on.


Anonymous said...

Mainly I am wearing so many fleeces I am beginning to resemble ewe.

Anonymous said...

Has aj added a third fleece, for indoors only, of course?