Monday, 8 February 2010

A low carbon weekend.

I may be misguided there, but I didn't travel far.
I popped up to Coleshill for emergency rations on Saturday morning as J, G & family were coming on Sunday for a "sleepover".
I did a little selective housework, baked cakes & prepared for the dinner with Colin & Lynne.
We had a lovely evening & compared holidays.
On Sunday I went to church - the new brass ware has arrived, following the theft last year.
It looks very good; the new cross is a St Cuthbert's cross, (a circular bit around the crossed bit) very large with red enamelling - a bit "in your face".
We had lunch & a great day with J, G, O & the twins.
I left for school this morning as people were waking up so I guess they had a good night.
It was very quiet. J had an interview this afternoon & G was going to check out the area.

We have just finished off yesterday's stew with new dumplings, in front of the fire, having both fallen asleep before the 6.00pm news.
We are watching "Tower Block of Commons" - MPs living in tower blocks with families who live on benefits. Austin Mitchell & wife are disgusting. It looks pretty tough.

Apparently two couples of pensioners in Germany kidnapped a financial advisor who had caused them to lose their pension funds.
They claimed that they had "taken him on holiday". Sounds like a good idea.
Siberia could be too warm!


Anonymous said...

Can anybody translate this?

William said...

I think sex is involved...

Anonymous said...

Sure is - I just clicked on it!
Best removed

Anonymous said...

I think it's a list of things made in china.

Anonymous said...

I think that it's a list of things you could do in Japan, given a willing partner.
Obviously more worthy of comment than my carefully composed blog.

Anonymous said...

likky likky slurpy slurpy.

Anonymous said...

You clicked on it then!