Monday, 22 February 2010

Back to work.

Friday must have been a quiet day as I can't remember doing anything - perhaps we slept through it!
On Saturday I did a quick pop to Solihull to pick up KP's birthday pressie from JL & on to P & A's so that they could deliver it to the party on Sunday. I then spent two hours at the hairdressers in Coleshill, knocking 10 years off the average age that twenty senior citizens had estimated earlier in the day.
Eat your heart out aj!
I spent the rest of the day receiving compliments from G & writing a sermon for NW on Sunday.
As I finished the last paragraph I had a phone call to say that the service was cancelled as the new boiler was defunct.
We had a nice Indian takeaway - I did have to de-ice the car en route - & sat in front of a grand fire & relaxed.
On Sunday, not having an 11.00am service to do, I went to 9.30 communion at Shustoke & then we went to KP's birthday party, which was lovely.
The children all had a whale of a time which included them making pizzas for their lunch, two shows & T streaking down the stairs. Wow!
That's a photo for the engagement party.
Back to school today with a lift from G so that he could gallivant, even if it snowed.
Actually he has worked hard in the garden, cutting the hedges, which he is still doing in the near dark.
I have a chicken to roast for dinner, so I had better get on with it as we are both hungry.

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