Monday, 5 October 2009

But Thursdays & Fridays are great!

So what do you do on a Monday morning after a month of full time work, when your husband cooked a stir fry with 1/2 kg of ginger in it for dinner?
You go to the loo every hour during the night then clean the kitchen & the bathrooms, to put some order back into life.
It is now mid-day, I'm showered & ready for the gym (not a quorum for tennis today - hols & injury) & some shopping.
I am tempted to clean the bedrooms first - the joy of a big clean duster & a micro-fibre window cloth!
G has gone to London & will stay over with M, if she'll have him, visiting Bicester on the way home tomorrow.
I have an invitation to a cookery demo at Wood End this evening, so need to be home at a reasonable hour.
I'm working at the little bureau in the study, now officially"my desk", hoping that it won't cause me any further pain in my shoulder.
Something keeps bleeping on G's desk.
No idea what it is.

Over the weekend we've been to the Harvest Supper, worked in the garden, I've done my usual hours on a sermon & two services & yesterday afternoon we went into B'ham to buy A's birthday present.
We were pleased with it so I hope that it was what he wanted.
B'ham is vile.
We haven't been in since last Christmas & I don't think that I will bother again - seedy shop fronts, vacant premises, smelly traffic & lots of people.
I want to see extravagant window displays full of beautiful things that I can't afford, not Primark, Bookworks & The Poundshop!

School finished well. - a couple of hours after school, the Head came all the way to the top floor, where I was in my room, finishing marking, to thank me & confirm that I'd do Mondays & Tuesdays from Jan, to take the year 11 C/D borderline students for maths.
He wants me to do some 1:1 mentoring as well, when the finance is sorted out.
I was given 2 bottles of wine & a large box of chocolates (oh dear!) by colleagues; bottom year 10 said how much they had enjoyed maths with me & the parent of a distraught year 7 student wrote in to express her concern that I would no longer be teaching her daughter.
What was I doing wrong for the last 25 years???

I'm really just enjoying being at home on my own today.
Sad, or what?


Anonymous said...

Sounds like you must have been doing a good job then. Not so sure about the Ginger stir fry, I think I'll steer clear of that one.
W Jnr

Anonymous said...

Whats with the jnr, son?