Tuesday, 2 June 2009

Whew, what a scorcher!

Wow, what a day.
For the first time in living memory, I sat in the garden in the sunshine & read/got red.
I even used the rather fine lounger that was a retirement gift from school, for the first time -this being made possible by G finding the cushion bit in the cupboards in the spare room, whilst looking for the binoculars, to snag the lounge chimney. It is amazingly comfortable, although very heavy to move.
I thought that I was sun-safe, having been out in the sun a fair bit.
I was mistaken.
My arms &, strangely enough, the left side of my legs are a fine shade of red.
Everything made of cloth & moveable has been washed, line-dried, ironed & put back, we ate all meals in the garden , so we have made full use of the hottest day.

G has work tomorrow, I hope to play tennis & then, who knows?
The boiler is being serviced in the afternoon & I have a Huntbach charity meeting in the evening.

The good news is that the nasturtians that J helped me to plant, are growing very well by the pear tree, with even a few plants under the front hedge, despite the rabbits best attempts to dig them up. I'll post pics when they flower.

A free weekend looms so we plan to gather the table sale stuff together & do a car boot sale, assuming that there is one in Whitacre.

I'm reading "Stone Diaries" by Carol Shields. Brilliant. Do read something by her - I have 3 novels, if anyone wants them.

No spellings to correct, again - God, I'm getting to be a good speller.
It does check "nasturtians" as "distortions" - not a botanical abc then.


Anonymous said...

Nasturtium, actually.

Anonymous said...

Nasturtium (tropaeolum majus) is the flower, flower!
Defective speech or hearing?

Anonymous said...

So good, they named it twice!
Good, good!
They will probably refuse to flower unless watered daily.

Anonymous said...

Nasturtiums I thnk!
How does one "snag" a chimney with binoculars?