G forgot to take his phone to work on Friday, so I spruced up a bit, took it to work & then drove on to Knowle & Solihull to shop, in the sunshine, in the lotus.
I drove home, cleaned the cars & gardened.
B & E came to dinner, stayed over & flew to Belfast on Saturday morning, leaving Tim & KP with us for the weekend.
G did the airport run.
The day proper began at 6.50am with Tim's first conversation/question session of the day, followed shortly afterwards by KP.
We went to Ash End House Farm to see the animals & climb on things.
KP wasn't too sure about the former.
The pigs were very smelly!
P, Jessie & Thomas came to lunch, then Tim & Jessie played in & out of the tent & did miles on the tractor & "bike with no pedals"; imaginative play.
Jessie - "I have to go to the dentist on the way to work, for a filling"
Tim - "What would you like for dinner, my darling".
Tea, goat feeding, bath & bed.
On Sunday we played in the garden,without P & Jessie, I had to do the imaginative play in & out of the tent bit which was er fun.
We cleaned the V40, went for a walk, cooked, cleared up pruned branches after Grandad & Steve spent ages introducing Tim to insects, goats & cows.
Tim's highlight of the day was when the rice pudding for dinner slid out of the oven & spilled all over the floor. Yuk!
During the afternoon G cut about 8 feet off the top of the ley landii.When he came down the ladder Tim popped out to say "Grandad, Granny & I are glad that you've come down as we were worried about you" I don't know how he knew that I was!
After dinner, when the family had left, we cleared up the mess (from the ley landii), building a vast bonfire in the field.
Two hours later I climbed into the bath & fell asleep.
A great weekend.
Today, I have rested
Moi aussi.j
I would have needed several days rest after that.
Thanks, MK.
On reflection, you are 8 months pregnant though.
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