Thursday, 5 June 2008

what a scorcher!

Well, pretty warm anyway.
I officially opened the conservatory doors for the summer today, put washing on the line in the sunshine & then spent the rest of the day gardening - clearing the borders of weeds & bluebells, ready for bedding plants.
I still have quite a lot to do, but I am pleased with the results co far.
On the ornithology front, the thrushes have flown safely; the wrens have a nest in one of the hanging baskets & both parents are very busy taking in food. It is fascinating to watch their skill in flying around the hanging basket to enter the tiny entrance near the wall.

Question Time is a bit dull, David Milliband comes over very well though. He is too bright to want to be party leader in the present climate, we're told.
Apparently, I am one of the losers in the changes in tax thresholds.

Thanks for the comments.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Question Time and David Milliband in particular sent me to sleep. Is it merely that he is excruciatingly boring,or is it the timbre of his voice ? j