Nobody felt it worthy of comment so I had better find some tatty goods to offer for sale, bicycle wheels & the like.
I do have four Edwardian bedroom chairs - two with caned seats & backs, two with painted backs, in need of the seats re-reeding.I could go into great detail as to how uncomfortable they are & no good at all for standing on to reach the top of the wardrobe.
How's that for sales technique, W?
This week seemed a little self-indulgent as I had nothing planned for the remainder of the week. I could "set my own agenda", as G says.
I intended to garden today, then Granville School phoned at 7.00am, so off I went for a day at school - 3 french, 1 maths & 1 english lesson.
Maths was the hardest work. Monsters!
I stopped at JS & M&S in Ventura Park on the way home to take on some victuals, then home for a cup of tea & a toasted teacake.
Tomorrow, I shall garden!
Monsters - there were more than this!
This was yesterday's "rainy day" picture.
Two more wedding photos:
I gave you comments about the wedding and all I got was an offhand response and a rude response! How did you teach French? I will standby for the sarcasm!
'Let them eat cake', the universal solution.
Where is Granville school? Is it in any way near Ventura park?
You shouldn't be envious of my comments as you make most of them, I comment here when there is something to say and I have a moment...
wrm the "rude" comment was not mine & presumably intended to be humourous.
Mine was brief as I am wary of including too much family detail.
Details & photos are carefully selected.
French was wordsearches & translation, year 7,8 & 9 - I could cope.
Let who eat cake?
She never said it! She was a kind, caring, misunderstood Austian.
I think that there have been others!
"Granville School" is Swad!
That one!
I can come off the M42 & take in Ventura Park if tempted.
I am not jealous of you hits, just picking up tips from a successful blogger.
I have had over 4000 hits.
At worst I make others' lives seem more exciting...
Hitler was also probably a kind caring misunderstood Austrian, who was going to make the world a better place once he had conquered it.
You followed my line, though perhaps not a very worthy one.
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