Monday, 21 January 2008

Yuk & poo!

Not one of the best weekends, as I went down with, or more correctly, threw up with the tummy bug on Sat evening & spent Sunday in bed, asleep, waking at 3 hourly intervals when G brought me a cup of boiled water.
G found someone to take the morning service & did all of the odd jobs that had been piling up.
I felt like the first Mrs Rochester, banged up in the attic.
G succumbed on Sunday evening. Sadly he had just devoured a healthy meal of lightly dusted, baked plaice, a mountain of vegetables, fruit & yoghurt.
He has slept it off & gone to work.
I have had a weak cup of decaf tea & am still in my dressing gown.
This cannot continue, as I have to drive into B'ham, which I hate doing, to go to the Tax Office, somewhere near the NIA, to tax my car. The tax ran out in September, which I had not noticed.
No reminder was sent because the tax office had not received the paperwork from the garage, although they say they sent it.
When did you last look at your tax disc?
Friends at school pointed out my failing when I parked nose in towards the library.
I suppose that I am lucky not to have been picked up before now - the joys of driving a volvo!
Do you know that "spellcheck" picks up "volvo" & "yoghurt".
Off to see JR tomorrow, so emergency rehab needed - any ideas?


Anonymous said...

Ewing? I thought he got shot!
get well soon g

Anonymous said...

I don't go for the oily types, though the journey may be less arduous.

Anonymous said...

I knew that!

Anonymous said...

Does it suggest vulva?

Anonymous said...

Thank goodness for the reading skills of those using the library. The penalty for no tax is crushing, both physically and emotionally. Most people, even non vulva drivers tend to tax their cars,are volvo drivers an exception?

Anonymous said...

Could we moderate the language please?

BBC weather now has- as well as real temperatures, a 'Feels like' temperature. (it's an actual figure, not just 'feels like siberia')
