Friday, 4 January 2008

What snow?

New year diet!

Some snow for Tim!

Staying in by the fire.

My new year resolutions cannot hold a candle to William's - fat loss & gym usage only.
How does that score on the self-satisfaction scale?
I'm starting next week, by which time we shall have finished the festive food (apart from the cupboard full of chocolates), & shall have time to go to the gym.
Snow was predicted for Thursday. My visit to Bicester included an overnight bag, just in case I was snowed in.
No snow, but a lovely day with E, T & KP; all in good form despite KP's chest problem.
Both B & E make a better yorkshire pudding than me, which is a bit galling. I suppose
that T will outshine me as well by the time he's 4 & can read the Jamie Oliver cookbook!
Thomas is entertaining me today - I turned on the computer over 4 hours ago , Thomas was on my lap & entertained by my typing, but progress has been very slow. We have had far too much to do by way of feeding & playing.
The weather is bleak today, so we are confined to the lounge, with a good fire - another source of interest for Thomas.
I have been asked to take the service at Maxstoke on Sunday morning as there is a dearth of ministers, due to illness.Epiphany - bring on the Magi!
The new TV that I may have mentioned, is great & the DVD player works.
I have decided to decline the job in Currys technical dept. - it would deprive a more deserving candidate!

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