Tuesday, 14 October 2014

It's stopped!

Raining, that is.
The yard is largely under water after  24 hours of solid rain - J and DK have wet weather gear with them, so some fun in the garden later.
The jeep has two new batteries and is going better than ever and there are three new chickens to be checked on at regular intervals - one in lay at the moment so taking it in turns for today's egg.

The weekend just whizzed by - the family went to Bicester whilst I finished preparing Sunday's services and cleaned the church with K, on Saturday, took the services at Sh and OW, had lunch at the Bull, read the papers then back to church for Evening prayer on Sunday.
A bit of a common theme there, but the last Evening service  for the year and the next two Sundays off for good behaviour.

Charles Hanson Valuation lunch tickets for 5 Nov have gone really well, nearly all sold.
I just have to decide on the menu now.
Clothes Swhap planned for 21 Nov - bring along your unwanted clothes and accessories, sized and priced.
We put up the clothes racks and tables  and provide a glass of wine - have I missed anything vital?
Time for breakfast.

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