Friday, 10 October 2014


We, MK, J, DK and I went to Tudor Grange swimming baths this morning - the first time I've been there since W and B were small boys, in the kiddy pool.
Little had changed apart from the crowds - only two people in each pool, apart from us, so we had a great time.
We went on to lunch in Pret, bought boots and jeans for the boys and did the Beatties sale before wending our way home to play in the garden, cook the tea and mow the lawns - guess who did what.
Actually, the mower fought back so I didn't get far.

Three new chickens arrived yesterday, selected by J and DK, sort of - we even had an egg today, so breakfast settled.
All well so far, but they are still in the run so the fox is having to look elsewhere for dinner.
I have a wildlife camera in the wood focused on the latest badger sett, so hoping to see some photos of these elusive lodgers after years of anonymity - time will tell.

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