Monday, 25 February 2013


Thought I'd try another place name to see if I can disappoint an even greater number of people today! A first - I'm blogging in bed - I have been out for most of the day & again this evening & getting into a warm bed, with laptop, phone & books seemed a better option than the lounge, for what remained of the evening, when I came home at 10.00PM. I took the assembly at Sh school this morning - this is at 10.00am, so I'd had to cancel tennis, but, as fate would have it, it started to rain shortly before 10.00, so we couldn't have played anyway. I laced the chocolate cake for tonight's Lent course with a couple of drams of brandy before filling & decorating it, then pottered to Solihull, by way of Coleshill & Knowle, taking on vittals at M&S, before collecting J & Th from school. We had a relaxing couple of hours, including cooking their tea, then home, a rushed plaice fillet & veg before dashing to Jan's, with aforementioned cake, to discuss "allegience". This may have been the title of tonight's study but I don't think that the content had anything to do with"allegience" Next week, "joy". Lib Dems seem to be on another self-destruct mission - I don't advocate that women should be groped in the workplace, but, if this all boils down to a bloke in the office who liked to chat up the girls, rumoured, but not complained about, surely it's something the women should have dealt with at the time, one way or another. How much more historical muck-raking can we stand? The news is just one scandel after another.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"Eboratum" now up to 86!
It's not a porn word, is it?