Tuesday, 26 February 2013
Eyes right!
Today has been a day of mixed fortunes.
This morning I was awake early, did the ironing, of which there is very little, then tried to get going on my sermon for Fiday evening - Womans' World day of Prayer.
The country this year is France & the subject is "welcoming a stranger".
I had thought that the French were not too good at it; apparently, I am wrong.
I am trying to convince myself of that, which makes writing the sermon hard work.
I went to the opticians - a slight improvement since 2010 & healthy, which is good.
I went on to warwick to Tollbar to get the Volvo electrics sorted out.
There was no problem with the electrical systems - one of the bulbs had blown & the key battery produced only 2.8 Volts, the warning comes on at <3 V.
The two bulbs + battery, no labour costs payable, came to £69!!!!
To add insult to injury, I misread the parking sign in Warwick & got a ticket - another £25!!!!
Good job I'm on a diet.
Aj has written me one of her amazing poems for my sermon - she takes commissions, just put requests on "comments".
Two eggs today, which helps to redress the balance on the day - I can now make JR a cake for his 89th birthday on Thursday.
Monday, 25 February 2013
Thought I'd try another place name to see if I can disappoint an even greater number of people today!
A first - I'm blogging in bed - I have been out for most of the day & again this evening & getting into a warm bed, with laptop, phone & books seemed a better option than the lounge, for what remained of the evening, when I came home at 10.00PM.
I took the assembly at Sh school this morning - this is at 10.00am, so I'd had to cancel tennis, but, as fate would have it, it started to rain shortly before 10.00, so we couldn't have played anyway.
I laced the chocolate cake for tonight's Lent course with a couple of drams of brandy before filling & decorating it, then pottered to Solihull, by way of Coleshill & Knowle, taking on vittals at M&S, before collecting J & Th from school.
We had a relaxing couple of hours, including cooking their tea, then home, a rushed plaice fillet & veg before dashing to Jan's, with aforementioned cake, to discuss "allegience".
This may have been the title of tonight's study but I don't think that the content had anything to do with"allegience"
Next week, "joy".
Lib Dems seem to be on another self-destruct mission - I don't advocate that women should be groped in the workplace, but, if this all boils down to a bloke in the office who liked to chat up the girls, rumoured, but not complained about, surely it's something the women should have dealt with at the time, one way or another.
How much more historical muck-raking can we stand?
The news is just one scandel after another.
Sunday, 24 February 2013
Home again.
All well on the home front - drove down this morning - colder here than up North, by 2 degrees.
I've made the chocolate cake for the Lent course tomorrow, having borrowed extra eggs from Jan. I cleaned out the chickens,filled the wild bird feeders, visited Phil & Marg, put stuff away, have a good fire going & have now to complete the preparation for tomorrow's assembly - aj did the research - "Mrs do as you would be done to" - courtesy.
Hake for dinner, soon.
Saturday, 23 February 2013
Snow forecast & the coldest weekend of the year!
I hope that it's not too severe or the journey home tomorrow may be slow.
Having an action packed break - walked into York on Thursday, shopped, had lunch with Jamie, then walked half way home (aj's, not Brum) before hopping on a bus, as it stopped as I was at a bus stop.
I made the mistake of standing well to the right & holding onto the door stop, as I waited to alight - the door opened, trapping my foot & handbag behind the door.
We all laughed, I extricated myself & added buses to my list of technical contraptions, best avoided.
Yesterday we went to "The Fleece" at Rillington, near Malton, for our Travelzoo, 5 course taster menu.
It took nearly two hours & was very good = chhoose two of each course & both have a small portion of each - three main courses = pheasant, pork & duck.
Pottered around Malton, then home.
Later we babysat little Lily so J & J could have an evening out (use the Yesco vouchers at Cafe Rouge, where aj & I ate on Wed)
She kept us awake & was very happy as long as she was on the move, cuddled & talked/crooned to - no problem there!
A Focus Group on energy (electricity, not personal, I believe) at New Earswick, lunch included & remuneration given - I hope the room is warm.
Wednesday, 20 February 2013
Up North!
I'm in York, with aj, having left the old retainer in charge, at home.
We've had a healthy lunch, done Acomb, had a healthy dinner & we are now watching TV - "Compulsive Cleaners".
I am not a compulsive cleaner!
These folk clean all of the time - they clean for 4 days for real scruf-bags.
They are angels!
A day in York tomorrow, meeting Jamie for lunch, whilst aj works.
Really cold, biting wind today - headgear needed!
Tuesday, 19 February 2013
blog 2
It has been an fantastic day - warm & sunny. We went to the playground, J & Th on bikes,then after a few rounds of the assault course we went on to the reservoir to bird spot, then home for lunch.
We spent the afternoon in the garden, playing,cycling, collecting twigs whilst I cleaned the windows & tidied some of the borders.
We ended the day at church, stripping the noticeboards - great fun!
An empty church makes a great adventure playground.
Home for tea - lemon sole goujons & veg.
This evening I went to Jan's for dinner then we both went bellringing - my first time.
I don't really understand it but it's good for the tummy muscles.
Two beautiful big brown eggs today - hurray
Chilly again.
I've just let the chickens out - -3 degrees this morning, but an egg - hurrah!
No competeing yeterday as J & Th are staying & we were busy - we had the bikes oiut in the garden, played tennis after lunch, made cakes......they are little angels - presently classifying "Mushi Monsters" on their beds.
We had the first meeting of the Lent Course ("Spot the Difference") here last night - 8 of us, followed by coffee & carrot cake.
The overall theme is "What is the difference between Christians & others?"
Last night we considered "Love" - anecdotes, Bible readings, prayers & quotes, from the likes of Martin Luther King, Dickens, Bonhoffeur, considered.
We have to plan today - J & Th favour going to the playground & playing here, rather than an adventure - we'll see.
Best quote for yesterday - i phoned Volvo as the low beam headlight bulbs had both gone only a matter of days after Ben had replaced them both.
They enquired if they were volvo bulbs - no - locally sourced & suggested that it's because non-volvo bulbs would not last long because they are on when driving!
I explained that there was also a problem with the key batteries - replaced & said to be "Low" only a couple of weeks later.
Any ideas?
I've booked the car in for them to check it out.
Up & at it - the natives are restless!
Sunday, 17 February 2013
Spring - almost.
Spring is on the way - light at 7.15am & not dark until almost 6.00pm tonight & the temperature reached at least a balmy 7 degrees this afternoon.
Perhaps this will encourage the chickens to start laying regularly.
I've kept busy today - toSh for communion then on to NW to take the service.
I went on to Ventura Park to see if I was deserving of something new to wear, but I wasn't gripped, so had a cup of tea & a scone, bought some vegetables & came home.
As it was such a lovely afternoon I went for a walk - delivered a few fliers about the Lent course that starts tomorrow evening & collected the litter around the block & through the village.
I met quite a few interesting people en route, including the Tyler's middle-aged son, a rather strange chap, who walked part of the way with me, on his way to walk back to Bacon's End.
I've made the beds & cleaned through - you could eat off the dowstairs floors although nobody is lokely to want to, as W informed me, many years ago.
That's as may be, but being organised is relaxing & have important visitors tomorrow - J & Th for a couple of days & a sleepover (half-term) & hopefully, a few people here for the Lent course, in the evening.
I've made the carrot cake, but used olive oil in place of vegetable oil & fear that it may have too strong a flavour.
How can I taste it befor icing with soft cheese icing?
I'll make another cake & fatten the chickens with this one if it's awful.
Just watching "Flog it" from Coventry, sale at bigwoods - not the one we went to, but interesting, even without us!
Saturday, 16 February 2013
Good Morning.
Last night I opted for coming to bed, when I woke up from the post-dinner nap.
This meant that I was in bed shortly after 9.00pm - phoned aj - even she was still up.
Seemed a good idea at the time, but I have been awake since 5.30am!
Radio 4 is quite relaxing at that time - Claire Balding on a "Silent Walk" - heading for "Lord Knebworth's Knob" (not sure about the "Ks") - a hill, with a gentle doctor.
I visited the local playgroup yesterday morning & talked to all of the mums about our Mothering Sunday Family Service at Sh, & Good Friday Workshop, at NW church. We may be running the latter as well - Easter egg hunt in the churchyard, Easter gardens....
Having nothing else planned, I pottered to Solihull & looked at the sales - I realise that normally I get no further than M&S & JS - bought a sweater in Laura Ashley - branching out!
Tea & a scone in M&S - breakfast.
Went on to Henley in Arden - walked the full length of the town - not a lot there nowadays, then back to Dorridge to see Ann.
There was a lot of catching up to do as I haven't caught her at home for twelve months - little change, apart from age!
I've just researched "Referral Management Centres" & "HRT" (Heidelberg Retinal Topography") for Ann as she is stressed out by continual referrals & no explanations.
Home, eventually, for a healthy meal - fish & julienne vegetables.
No alcohol for Lent - may relent at weekends as the forty days of Lent does not include the Sundays.
I wonder if that's the source of "relent".
This could be the start of the loss of the last stone, getting back to my all time weightwatchers low of 1973!!
Thursday, 14 February 2013
Happy Valentines Day.
Well I'm celebrating on my own, again, but G did leave me a lovely present - a Georg Jensen keyring, which I have attached to my newly released house key, which makes it much more pocket friendly.
It has been milder today, but cold again tonight, so I'm going to bed early, with a hottie, for want of anything bigger or warmer.
The good news is.... another egg today!
The chickens, or at least one of the two, are funky again.
I had a mtg this morning with friends who run the Junior Church, at Libby's farm & sorted out Easter cards/ fliers/ Family Services & the Mothering sunday service, over coffee & home-made biscuits.
This afternoon, in daylight, I took in a pair of my posh Viyella trousers, quite successfully - need a good light to sew black cloth.
I then went up to church, in the cold & dark to do some copying of aforementioned cards & sheets - spent half an hour before giving up!
"No master on drum" means the copier will not work.
I need some of these to take to the playgroup in the morning - phoned Di, she will do enough on the Rectory copier.
Back for tea - smoked chicken, salad & toast, same as lunch - must shop tomorrow1
The odd comment could make me believe that there was someone out there!
Wednesday, 13 February 2013
The big chill.
I've had a day out.
Ahter a lazy getting up, I went to Warwick this morning & pottered around the antique & charity shops,then on to Alcester & repeated the exercise, despite the snow.
I bought a Royal Worcester entree dish in the Alcester antique shop, that I am very pleased with - a work of art - & a few other bits, then came home, then to jan's for coffee & decisions about the Easter cards that we are doing for the parish.
I have been to the Ash Wednesday communion service at OW, but declined the ashing as I don't really understand it.
Now, what to give up for lent, as a daily reminder?
I'm aiming for swearing, though that's not a luxury, chocolate & alcohol
I'm watching a programme about the authenticity of a fragment of JC's cross that is kept in a church in Rome we walked passed the church, but it was closed.
No decisions, yet, but there really is nothing better on, absolutely nothing.
Apparently, Emporer Constantine embraced Christianity in order to unify the then large & diverse Roman Empire.
He sent his mother to find relics (who better to send than your mother?)
She found a man who knew where the cross remains were buried, had him tortured until he took her there, & had the Roman temple removed, that had been built over the site.
£ crosses were found, one bearing the Titulus crucis - the wood bearing Christ's name, from the top of the cross.
She had the Church of the Holy Sepulcre built over the site, in Jerusalem - the most visited site in Christendom.
It's cold & very windy here - gale howling down the chimney - bed beckons!
Tuesday, 12 February 2013
Wet, wet,wet.
There is so much water about - our field partially flooded, great puddles on the roads & flooded fields wherever you go.
There is still a good deal of snow about so it will get worse before long - I have to put wellies on to cross the field to let the chickens out.
The good news is that not only are they back to their old friendly selves but they laid an egg today - B found it, I have only been the lucky collecter of two eggs, despite letting them out most mornings.
It's been a hectic day - I went to Solihull yesterday, collected J & Th from school, then went to McDonalds to meet up with B, T & KP for a healthy meal!
We went back to P & A's for an hour or so - the g/cs had a great time playing together, then back here where B & co did a sleepover.
B prepared & served a delicious Indian meal, aided by M&S.
We had pancakes for breakfast.
As usual, they got better as time went on & the last one was near perfection - the first two were really duff, but tasted good!
We went to Baddesley Clinton - a moated medieval manor house, near Dorridge, owned by the NT.
We had a drink whilst waiting for our ticket time, did the house & then had a light lunch before going to Solihull to buy KP a birthday present - partially successfully.
I took Maurice's b'day present round whilst B cooked dinner - sausage, bubble & squeak & fried eggs.
B sourced & put new headlight bulbs in the Volvo for me - both went on Sunday, sorted out the bike roof rack & took it to deliver to MG & mended the lighting function on the hob - things I was struggling with - thanks B.
They have gone home, T still with a cold.
I've built up the fire & am watching the TV - M Portillo in Wales - makes me want to visit LLandudno, where we used to go on holiday when little.
Sunday, 10 February 2013
Home alone.
Blogging alone today -T put me to shame on wed by finding & adding photos in a matter of seconds, whilst I tried to remember how to do it!
G is enjoying his time in Manilla - walking with PT this weekend & even found time to e-mail & phone.
I arrived home on Friday evening, having spent a great couple of days in Bicester, helping with the school runs & pottering around the shops.
I did the MG school run with Gina & spent an hour with the children, on Fri, having had a nice lunch at Carluccios, with E.
I spent yesterday in Rowley Regis, with Di, Keith & 4 others from church, on a course run by the diocese on "Groing your Church" - suggestions on a postcard to the usual address please!
It was v good, led by the bishop's Chaplin, who is Rhianonn is gorgeous & sparkling, Bishop andrew is inspirational.
The chickens flew across to see me when I got home, so all seems to be well on the poultry front, they may even lay eggs at some point.
Strangely, they were waiting outside the run tonight, I had to pick them up & put them to bed.
I took the services at Sh & OW this morning, then visited Phil & Marg to take cake - I'd made a big victoria sandwich to have with the coffee after the service.
I filled the log & kindling baskets, lit the lounge fire & have hibernated in here ever since - lunch, nap & ironing - it's really cold & has been raining all day - floods everywhere.
AJ tells me that there is a scam going on on supermarket carparks - a woman sreams & shouts at you for hitting her car, another comes forward as a witness & then she agrees to settle for £100.
Wednesday, 6 February 2013
Gatwick or bust!
Yesterday,I cleaned the church.
this was not a total success as "Henry the hoover" tumbled down the steps from the Choir to the Nave and died.
Unfortunatley,I still had to vacuum the Nave,which was littered with Christmas tree needles.
Hey ho.
After a burnt soda farl, we went to Guilford for a sleepover with Margaret, stopping at John Lewis for coffee and a scone.
Hint: avoid Starbucks in Guilford at all costs - scruffy and rubbish paninis - a disappointing lunch!
After leaving G at the station,for the train to Gatwick,the first leg of his trip to the Philapines, I dashed to Bicester to collect Kp from school.
A cup of tea and a biscuit later, we collected T from school, after his "Computer and Ipad club" (digital leaders).
Pizza, salad, fruit and chocolate flake mousse for tea, now we are snuggled up watching the TV. We are watching...
Monday, 4 February 2013
The Huntchback of Leicester.
We're just watching a documentary about the finding of the skeleton of Richard 111 under a council car park in Leicester.
Obviously, this wasn't a car park in his day, when he was killed at the battle of Bosworth Field in ...., but a friary, where it had long been rumoured that he was buried.
I did Richard 111 for GCE English many years ago, learning many of his speeches - Shakespeare gave him a very bad press, evil & calculating, murderer of the two princes in the tower.
He's now to be buried in Leicester cathedral, opposite the car park - take him across in a wheelbarrow!
I can't beleive that I did yesterday's blog this morning - no wonder I was tired!
I had a nap & started again after watching "Exotic Hotel Marigold", then bed.
I played tennis this morning (cold with intermittent wind, rain & sun in your eyes),made lunch & then went to Solihull to pick up Th & J from school.
I walked the length of the Stratfourd rd - The Golden mile", whilst G went to B & Q - the joys of DIY shops!
I cooked tea, chatted, played - G was taught a wifi game byTh (Th won!), then home.
We've had a nice dinner, mainly from the freezer - olives, prawns & ciabbata, salmon with palmentier potatoes & mange tout & a bottle of white rioja.
I've just finished G's ironing & mending (buttons) & now only have some e-mails to deal with.
Here goes.....
Done & dusted.
We've just spent a most enjoyable evening with Jan & Chris - dinner followed by "The Exotic Hotel Marigold", with a bag of popcorn.
all this in the comfort of our own home.
I got up early to complete my sermon ready for the 11.00am service at NW - JC calming the storm on Lake Galilee - we weathered a storm on the lake when in the Holy Land - the weather changed from sunny to storm in minutes.
So why was it that a boatfull of fishermen panicked when court out in a storm, surely they knew what to do?
Anyway, G went to MG whilst I was at church; I came home, had lunch & cleaned through downstairs - keeps you warm.
Yesterday we did a litter pick in Hollylands, Castle Lane & round the block - about 6 bin liners, mainly beer cans & plastic bottles, stinking!
We did find a few feathers & a crop outside the front hedge, so can stop worrying about the third chicken - a foxex dinner, I guess.
This must have been before the snow as there was no sign of anything untoward in the snow.
At lwast she didn't go to waste!
We went to a quiz in the evening in Coleshill, with the Pears & two friends.
We didn't win, nearer the bottom than the top!
Hoping to play tennis tomorrow, then picking up Th & J from school.
G preparing for a big adventure, starting next week - watch this space.......
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