Wednesday, 28 October 2009

Shopaholic, me?

My parents' generation lived through a war, when you "couldn't get things for love nor money"
They had to "make do & mend", so got into the habit of only buying new things when necessary.
ie, to replace things that were worn out.
When we were children we had few clothes & these were always passed down.
Buying new clothes was a rare treat.
Aj & I had £40 spending money per term when we were at uni. One term we went into B'ham & bought maxi coats & boots before going back to uni & spent most of our money & Dad gave us more.
Usually we lived very frugally.
Old habits die hard.
Obviously some of this has rubbed off onto our offspring, hence W's complex about buying new clothes now that he has regained the body of an Adonis by strict diet & a punishing exercise regime. (see little W's world)
I suspect that most people know when they are being extravagant.
I'm planning a shopping spree tomorrow as I need a new swimming costume for my holiday as the elastic in my no 2 suit gave up the ghost in the sun & sea in Cyprus.

I've been to the doctors today, twice.
Dr Heath thinks that I have strained the muscles in my shoulder (serving at tennis I suspect) & am compensating, causing the pain in my arm.
Solution: carry a heavy weight when appropriate & see a phsyio.
This afternoon the nurse gave me a jab in both arms - hepatitis A & B, diphtheria, polio, tetanus & typhoid. Three more sessions to go, then I'm covered for life, almost.
I spent the rest of the day gardening & talking to aj on the phone & have had no ill effects whatsoever.


Anonymous said...

No effects from the gardenibng one presumes. aj

Anonymous said...

Only aches in all joints above the ankles.