Wednesday, 14 May 2008

Visitors from the north.

A quick tidy up & then to Ventura Park to exchange my £5 Boots voucher & 5p off per litre on fuel at JS voucher whilst still in date, thus saving £5 on my L'oreal Regenerist anti-wrinkle cream & £2 on diesel.
On to the main purpose of the day - to pick up W, K & J at East Midlands airport.
Their Stirling flight arrived nearly 1/2 hour early, so my timing wasn't as good as I had anticipated.
The family, luggage & W's bike -in-bag all fitted in the car easily & so home to lunch.
J settled in quickly & was soon whizzing around the garden on the peddle-free bike alternated with the tractor. His new "Fireman Sam" DVD gave respite & set him up for a few more turns of the garden & circuits of the house on a tricycle. He helped to make a chocolate cake for daddy, which we shall enjoy tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

Hang fire on the jam tarts - I may have set you up here! Will call this evening

Anonymous said...

I can make them anyway - I'm sure that they will get eaten.

Anonymous said...

Where are you AJ?