Friday, 28 March 2008

Friday again.

Up early & off to Paula & Adrian's to spend the day with Jessie & Thomas.
We had a lovely day; J was a princess - pink tutu, fairy wings & a Barbie tiara over the jeans & Snoopy tee-shirt for most of the day. (I successfully took a photo on my mobile phone & sent it to G)
Thomas was peckish & cuddly - no change there.
We have cut, stuck, sung, crayoned, played families, dolls houses.......
Foul weather all day, so no chance of J & I pushing the prams around the park.

I have checked the local cinemas & can find nothing that G & I fancy seeing that is on before 21.30pm.
Those in the running are "27 dresses" (chick flick)
"There will be blood" (old oil) DD Lewis
"H...... hears a who?" (Dr Zeus cartoon starring an elephant)
G would only consider no 2, if consulted. He's asleep anyway so I'd better get cooking.
Do not wake up a sleeping husband after a hard day's work unless you have a meal on the table.
He has just woken up with a start as he dropped the remote control/fear of loss of control of the evening's viewing.
Looks like we shall have a relaxing evening!

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