Sunday, 9 March 2008

The calm before the storm

G in Bournemouth, so a quiet weekend with little direction until Sunday tea-time when he returns & tells me what I should be doing!
On Saturday my directionless meanderings included some spring cleaning - washing china from the dresser, polishing & washing everything on the bed to dry on the line - no line prop needed, it was too windy.
I meandered to Kenilworth to potter & collected the litter in Hollylands.
It was a cold day.
I spent some time looking for a holiday cottage at the sea-side, on tinternet.
Lulworth cove looked good & near to J & G.

This morning I went for a run - the first this year - I'm a "fairweather runner", but did a good time for me due to my gym activity.
I went to church (Passion Sunday), had a chat & took Auntie Norah home.
I thought that I'd have another look for a holiday cottage whilst I have my breakfast - a dangerous decision as "time flies like a banana" when "lap-topping".
I will make a cake for G (another dangerous decision), finish the ironing & perhaps move a few molehills.
School next week, if it hasn't blown away!

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