Saturday, 9 March 2013

Farewell Bert.

This morning we went to Bert swift's funeral at NW - an excellent service, taken by Di, with an address by terry waters, an old friend. The service started 10 min late as the undertakers were late & had the orders of service! We went to the wake at Lea Marston Hotel & caught up with a lot of people - one of the good things about a funeral. I've spent the rest of the day preparing for toworrow - table laid for lunch (Fs & BMs), family service sorted for Sh, sermon done for OW,church decorated, flowers collected & awaiting children to collect & make bouquets for their Mums during the second (long) hymn, tables laid for coffee after service, simnel cake delivered & fairy cakes made & iced in tradional pink & white. Aj is writing a short poem -"My Mum", for inclusion, as the children will be reading theirs out. Time for bed. Is there ever anything worth watching on TV any more?


Anonymous said...

KP is now sporting a bright red cast- and is quite pleased!


Anonymous said...

I did tell her that DK had redplaster boots for quite a while.
Glad she's OK, card in post - perfect?