Thursday, 14 March 2013

Done & dusted.

Up at 7.00am to let the chickens out - a very cold morning, -4 degrees until the sun shone & turned it into a beautiful day. I went to Coleshill for milk & a date & walnut loaf from Morrisons - absolutely delicious with tomato & mozzarello salad. Home to fill/finish the cakes & make coffee. Jane arrived with her glitzy bits - some very nice clutch bags, purses & jewellery - not my thing, but I had to buy a purse asa gift, it was so good. Cakes went down well but a very disappointing turnout - 14 in all. I expected at least 30. Never mind - those that came enjoyed themselves & we made £66 profit. I had a phone call asking if I could help in the shop, so cleared up a bit & went round for an hour or so - usual cock-up with the till, actually it was the scanner that fought back today. Never mind, the customers don't seem to mind the imncompetence & younsters liked to use the scanner themselves. One day I'll get it all right! I delivered the raffle prizes on the way home & G was here when I got here. We,ve eaten the afformentioned tom & moz salad & grilled trout - really nice. E-mails to check then I might have an early night. Shopping for the weekend tomorrow, then to R & P for dinner, which will be fun.


Anonymous said...

The vacuum is all mine! CEng

Anonymous said...
