Friday, 16 November 2012

Well I voted!

Along with 59 other people in Shustoke - a good turnout compared with the rest of the country.
One Polling Station in Wales had no voters, the average turnout was a mere 15% countrywide.
I believe that the turnout for the 3 bi-elections wasn't a great deal higher - Labour won all 3 .
Well done Ed.
Possibly the most satisfying result was the rejection of the day was that of John Prescott, not the Police Commissioner in Humberside.
One gravy boat he won't be in!

Totally political tonight - I urge everyone to boycott Amazon & Starbucks until they start to pay the taxes due on the large profits they make in this country.
I don't go to Starbucks but boycotting Amazon, especially at Christmas will be a nuisance but I really do enjoy Waterstones & they have excellent staff who do know what they are talking about.

Good news - we had an egg today - the first for 3 weeks.
The less good news - winter arrived today - cold & damp, colder than CPH.
The bad news - Hamas & Israel are blasting rockets at each other & a ground invasion is on the cards.

I have a sermon to complete on Mark 13, 1 - 10 - a gift as it is set/refers to the very spot that we visited last week - the temple in Jerusalem & the Mount of Olives, just across the valley.
JC predicts that "not one stone of the temple will remain".
He was right - only the steps remain - see photos posted yesterday. & read it, if you have time.

1 comment:

William said...

watch this