Saturday, 4 August 2012

Relaxing again.

A busy week, great fun with T & KP staying from Mon to Thursday, J & Th joining them for a couple of days & a sleepover.
The weather has been alright, enabling us to spend an hour playing tennis each day followed by hours of fun & games, spent in the garden on the fleet of vehicles.
The jeep must be run in now & goes faster on each outing - they  are now quite competent driving it, after a hairy start, some weeks ago.
Only one session spent indoors, making a row of shoebox shops - KP "Beads", Th "Car showroom",
J "Olympics", Th "Sainsbury Local"???
I took T & KP home on Thurs, after an hour with T on the jeep, an hour at the tennis club, meeting P, J, & Th for lunch at McD in Solihull, a little shopping (flip flops) & a tootle round Bicester to source dinner.
T declared himself to be "tired".
I called in at J & G's en route home & collected the B'mouth flat keys.
We are going to clean & decorate, all in 3 days, ready for new tenants.

Yesterday we had a day at home.
G took the Lotus to pieces to remove a bit from behind the dashboard that had leaked the radiator contents into the car.
A big job - car in bits, carpets drying in the sun, part to be repaired somewhere.
I spent the entire day tidying the spinney behind the shed. ie removing 5 barrow loads of brambles, nettles,ivy & grass, to give the wild flowers a chance to thrive.
I gave up, knackered at 7.00pm & relaxed in a hot bath, on the phone to aj.
Recuperated, I cooked dinner then fell asleep before the coffee.
Why did I wake up at 4.00am?
I think that the reason I didn't go back to sleep again was something to do with G twitching, kicking & snoring.
Never mind. Good to be up & doing by 5.30am.
A day off today then to Gill & Andrew for dinner.


William said...

Sounds like you're as busy as ever. At least I think that's what it says, it's difficult to understand (flip flops) and KP beads or "tescos local"

Gill said...

Shoes/sandals &* shop names.
I'll call.