Sunday, 19 August 2012

All present & correct.

We collected our three warren point of lay pullets from John Andrews t OW this morning; this involved going down to the field behind the farm which is full of chickens, hen houses stuff.
As the chickens were out, it was a matter of catching the three that were most accessible & putting them in a box - I kept well away as I was dressed 7 ready to go to NW to take the service.
A wise decision as G managed to get his first "chicken shitting".
they seem to have settled in to their new home and had put themselves to bed when G went to shut them up for the night.
We shall let them out into the field at the end of the week, when they are used to the eglu.

We had a teddy Bears Picnic and parachute Jump, from the tower of NW church, this afternoon.

I was doing the picnics for 45 children, so got stuck in making ham and cheese sandwiches, after church.
I'd bought carrier bags to do the lunches as in John Lewis - bag then chooses a sandwich, cake, drink, fruit & crisps - all went very well.
The parachuting was brilliant, as was the weather & G took some great photos of teddies descending from the tower.
Jan & Chris came for a meal & to meet the fowl - a good evening.
Suggestions for three names - pecking order already sorted, so one is "the boss".
I thought about "Maggie", for her.

Tennis tomorrow, weather permitting.

Another hot day forecast, but what do they know!


William said...

I want one of those eggloo things and some ckickens, but MK is set against the idea.

Anonymous said...

We'll let you know how it goes - they are about £400 here - ours is on loan!