Tuesday, 3 April 2012

A nice day out.

We planned a day out today.
Aj rejected the first choice of a  tootle & lunch in Lichfield, as being too much like York, so we thought again & went to Kenilworth - not generally favoured by G as he claims that it is full of charity shops!
Indeed it is, or at least it has a fair number, but it also has a brill Waitrose & enough ironmonger/household/mousetrap type shops, to entertain G for an hour or so.
We met & had lunch at the cafe run by the local churches, before going on going on to Warwick, to see what new volvos look like (really nice) & potter a little more.
We left for home as the rain started & came home for a nice cup of tea.
We have had a quiet evening, including dinner created fr    m Waitrose goodies, finishing with  coffee & marzipan Easter eggs, courtesy of W & MK -  I don't think that they'll last until Easter!

Tennis tomorrow, weather permitting.

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