Tuesday, 10 April 2012

April showers.

A day at home whilst G sorted out the car tyres.
It was a bright sunny morning, despite the wind, typical April weather with regular showers blowing in.
I wrapped up, including a hat, & went out to dig the border on the far side of the side lawn - almost finished, but very wet & muddy as I  worked on through a couple of showers.
G prepared a late lunch, out of desperation, then I made some rock cakes ready a church fund raising meeting at 4.00pm.
We made some good decisions, including making a 2013 calendar with photos from events this year's events, including the dates for events next year.
That's next year's Christmas presents sorted then!

The porch is half full of litter pickers, awaiting delivery to the other villages & Shustoke is littered with posters advertising the "Community Spring Clean",  flyers through the doors of likely participants.
I can only hope that the weather is fine & there is a reasonable turn out.

How many programmes can be made about "Titanic"?
Presently there seems to be an hour devoted to each of the musicians - the heroes of the hour who played hymns as the ship went down.
Stewards next week?

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