Saturday, 1 October 2011

Happy Birthday William.

Can it really be that I have a son  aged 26 + 11 = 37?
I don't feel old enough.
Anyway, have a wonderful day,W, & I hope that the parcel has arrived.
I have stayed up ridiculously late so that I could be the first one to say it.

I went to see JR yesterday & stayed overnight so that his carer could go home for a day.
Wild activity at Shardelows as a team were in shoring up the sides of the pond, alongside the drive, with piles & sleepers. They then used a JCB to remove eight trailer loads of weed from the pond so that the fish could swim again, rather than climb through it.
A fantastic hot day for the job.
JR & I went to lunch at JS & then to see Mary, home for tea, supper & bed.
I got home at lunchtime, in time to do some washing, gardening & go to Solihull to pick up J & Th from school.
We went to Burger King for a treat as they had both had brilliant weeks at school.
I have made another life-style decision - I shall never go to BK again- it is much more expensive than McD, nowhere near as good, had no serviettes & had no tomato ketchup for Th to dip his chips into. 

We have had an M&S "Dine in for £10" dinner - prawn risotto, trifle & a bottle of rose  (couldn't manage the stuffed mushroom starter, after the tea at BK!)

Up early to garden, before going to the hairdressers at lunchtime.
I should have gone to bed earlier!  


William said...

Thanks for tue pressure, we've had a lovely day in the sunshine :-)

Anonymous said...

Have you lost the power of writingsentences?
Must be age-related.
Hope the little lamb was tender.